Mission & Vision

1. FOCUS on Agrochemical and Specialty Chemical Markets
Specialty & Agro Chemicals America is focused on the chemical products and technologies that have specific applications for the agrochemical and specialty chemical manufacturing markets. “Specialty and Agro” covers a diverse range of chemical end-uses including:
2. FOCUS on Exhibitors with North American Operations
The overall trend of U.S. chemical manufacturing shifting overseas is well documented. Recently though, amid quality and logistics concerns, the chemical industry is seeing a growing number of projects return to domestic suppliers. This "reshoring" trend is further strengthened by the advance of new applications that involve the higher-technology and higher-value end of the chemical market, the majority of which have always been supported by domestic suppliers.
The mission of our event is to showcase the distinctive value of the North American chemical industry and ultimately help support this favorable domestic manufacturing shift. Our program will welcome global participants, while exclusively featuring exhibitors that offer significant manufacturing, commercial, or sales operations based within North America.
3. RENEW the Value Proposition for Attending Trade Shows
The broader mission of our Specialty & Agro Chemicals America event is to “change the game” of how industry trade shows help connect suppliers and customers, by delivering a higher quality business networking forum at a significantly lower cost – two goals that have often become trade-offs, not complements, at other events and conferences:
- Our event's more informal tabletop exhibit format offers suppliers a focused and efficient way to promote their distinctive capabilities, technologies, and core value, as compared to the more costly “big convention” format.
- Specialty & Agro Chemicals America charges one flat badge registration fee, which includes multiple meals and networking receptions, that enables buyers and suppliers to meet current and new business colleagues in a more relaxed, resort setting.
- Holding our show in Savannah, Georgia also supports the event’s value proposition. Savannah is an accessible commute for the specialty chemical and agrochemical industry – within driving distance for many companies based in the southeastern US, and with direct flights available from 29 major international cities.
- Savannah offers the distinctive blend of a smaller, yet first-class business setting. The city is known for its deep roots of American history, southern charm and hospitality, plus a thriving, walkable downtown district with scenic water views. Savannah offers its unique historical landmarks, architecture and award-winning, affordable restaurants, all “set under a veil of Spanish moss.” These features combine to make Savannah an ideal location to host our event.
4. RENEW the Value of Meeting in Person
In a growing culture of advanced electronic communications and media technology, our event is rooted in the belief that "good business connections" are still best cultivated in a more personal, face-to-face setting – where one conversation in the hallway can have a greater impact than a year's worth of e-mails, phone calls, and video conferences. This is why we are intentional about creating a relaxed business atmosphere that promotes multiple networking opportunities around cocktail receptions, lunches and breakfasts on the show floor... and chance meetings in the venue hallways.
The goal of Specialty & Agro Chemicals America is to help attendees and exhibitors develop these existing and new business relationships, which are the cornerstone for success in the agrochemical and specialty chemical industry in North America. Our vision is that this trade show can help America-based businesses remain competitive and continue to grow in an ever-changing global chemical marketplace.